Brightenway Coaching

Brightenway Coaching
Sir Sadiq

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Important Questions and Answers for class ix

Q.1 Why did Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) migrate to Madina?
Ans. Most of the people of Makkah refused to accept Islam. They opposed the new faith and their bitter opposition cause the Prophet (P.B.U.H) much agony and a lot of trouble. So in 622 A.D. Prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) migrated to Madina.
Q.2 What is Hijra? Where did it take place?
Ans. In 622 A.D the prophet Mohammad (P.B.U.H) accompanied by his faithfully friend Hazrat Abu Bakr migrated to Madina. This count is known in history as the “Hijra”.
Q.3On what principles was the Islamic Society founded?
Ans. In Madina the Prophet (P.B.U.H) founded the Islamic Society based on the three principles:
• All power belongs to Allah.
• Mohammad (P.B.U.H) is his Prophet.
• All Muslims are brothers to one another.
Q.4 What does the last sermon teach us?
Ans. In the 10th year of Hijra the Prophet (P.B.U.H) together with his followers went to perform Hajj at Makkah. There he addressed a very large gathering of muslims at mount Aarafat. This was the last sermon of the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H).
It teaches us that there is no God Except Allah. Only the goodness of a person makes him superior to others. The most righteous is the most honourable. All Muslims are brother to one another. Finnally the last sermon teaches us that the Holy Quran is the message of Allah and if we act according to its teachings, we will never go wrong.
Q.5 Why is Shah Latif known as “Saint of Bhit”?
Ans. When Shah Latif father died, he left his home and went to live on a Mound at some distance from his village. A mound of sand is called “Bhit” in Sindhi. Due to the fact that he lived on this mound for the rest of his life, Shah Latif came to be known as “The Saint of Bhit.”
Q.6 What is the message of Shah Latif’s poetry? or What according Shah Latif is the goal of life?
Ans. The message of Shah Latif is the message of love. He believed in the brotherhood and equality of men and in pleasing God by good deeds. This according to Shah Latif is the goal of life.
Q.7 What do you know about Shah Latif’s music?
Ans. Shah Latif was not only a saint and a poet but also a great musician. He found great comfort in music. His skill in this art enabled him to make many improvements and changes in the difficult music of his time. He loved simplicity in music and musical instruments. He did not agree with the idea that music should be difficult. So he made it simple and also vented on instrument called “Tambooro”.
Q.8 How can the Neem Tree prevent the burning heat of the sun from troubling us?
Ans. The high Neem Tree with its extending branches interrupts the scorching heat of the mid day sun and provide soothing shade to people. In this way, it prevents the burning heat of the sun from troubling us.
Q.9 How does the poetess compare the Neem Tree to man?
Ans. The Neem tree provides shelter to people and protects them from the scorching heat of the sun without any protection for itself. It stands out in the open hot sun bearing the fierce heat. In the someway, man can be as fold as the Neem tree and try to protect his fellow human beings from sorrow and poverty by sacrificing his own comfort.
Q.10 Name any four objects on exhibition in the Moen-Jo-Daro Museum? or Name any four findings of Moen-Jo-Daro?
Ans. The objects found in Moen-Jo-Daro are:
1. A metal statue of a dancing girl.
2. Seals, Gold, Silver and Ivory Jewelery.
3. Painted Pottery
4. Metal tools and weapons.
5. The head of a bull.
Q.11 Who was Sir John Marshall?
Ans. Sir John Marshall was an English civil servant, whose work was to look after historical remains, like ancient building and other old things such as these pieces of pots and bricks. He was very interested in history and was anxious to find out about these remains.
Q.12 Who was Miss. Sullivan? How did she teach Helen Keller?
Ans. Miss Sullivan was a very kind and patient lady. When she was a child she had lost her eye sight but some time later she regained it. Miss Sullivan taught Helen Keller by the method of touch and feel. She made Helen put her hand into the water and made her write the word.”w-a-t-e-r” on the sand. In the same way Miss Sullivan taught Helen about Mountains Rivers, History, Geography and Arithmetic.
Q.13 Why do you think Helen Keller was a wonderful lady?
Ans. Helen Keller was blind and deaf but through sheer determination and will power and with the help of her teacher she learn to read, write and speak through handicapped. She went to college and then University where she proved to be a better student than many other. She has ever written books and articles.
Q.14 What was the message to the blind and deaf children?
Ans. Helen Keller told the blind and deaf children to be always happy and cheerful and never to curse their fate for they are capable of doing every thing in this world.
Q.15 What did Quaid-e-Azam said about education?
Ans. At the Gujrat Educational Conference held on 14th January 1945, the Quaid said the education was a matter of life and death to our nation, and that the world was moving fast and if we did not educate our selves we would not only be left behind but will not even exist.
Q.16 Why is Miss. Fatima Jinnah called Mother-e-Millat?
Ans. Miss. Fatima Jinnah was the sister of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah. She helped her brother in the struggle for the establishment of Pakistan. The nation called her “Mother-e-Millat” (Mother of Nation)
Q.17 How did the Muslim women work for independence?
Ans. Though the Muslim women were in street “purdah” and were less and less politically aware, they played an active part in the independence movement. They formed the womens branch of the Muslim League to organize women and inform them about the politics of the country. They organized public meetings for women and addressed large gathering. They had opened classes in their honour to educate Muslims girls. Thee brave ladies encouraged their brothers, husbands and sons not to give up the struggle for Pakistan until their goal was achieved.
Q.18 Why will the name of Major Bhatti’s be written in letters of gold?
Ans. In the year 1965, Mjor Bhatti fought on the Lahore front against the enemies for six days and nights without rest. He laid down his life in the defence of his country Pakistan. He was awarded the Nishan-e-Haider the highest military aard of Pakistan in appreciation of his bravery. It is for this reason that the name of Major Bhatti will never be forgotton and will be written in letters of gold.
Q.19 What do we learn from he martyrdom of Major Bhatti?
Ans. The martyrdom of Major Aziz Bhatti teaches us, the spirit of Jihad that is to sacrifice our lives in the defence of our dear country.
Q.20 What is our duty to our country?
Ans. Our duty to our country is to under stand the problem faced by our country. We must cooperate with our Government in solving these problems. It is our duty to be loyal and patriotic to Pakistan and follow its laws, to pay the taxes honestly and promptly.
Q.21 Where did men live in early days?
Ans. In the earlier days men lived in caves like animals. Their lives were difficult and each of them lived by himself and for himself.
Q.22 Who is the happier of the two, the miller or the King and why?
Ans. The miller is the happier man, because he has no worries whereas the king has all the worries and problems of the world.
Q.23 What did the Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) do for sick?
Ans. The Holy Prophet (P.B.U.H) visited the sick regularly. He even inquired after his ailing enemies.
Q.24 Who was Florence Nightingale?
Ans. Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing and one of the greatest women in history.
She was born in the town of Florence in Italy in 1820. She belonged to a wealthy and cultured English family. Her aim in life was to serve suffering humanity.
Q.25 What resemblance did he find between the stars and the daffodils?
Ans. The resemblance which he finds between the stars and daffodils is that they are numerous and both are yellow in colour.
Q.26 Name the main canals built on the Guddu Barrage?
Ans. Guddu Barrage has a system of three main canals. Two on the right bank and one on the left.
1. Begar Sindh Feeder.
2. The Desert Part Feeder on the right bank of Guddu Barrage.
3. The Ghotki Feeder of the left Bank.
Q.27 Why does the horse shake his harness bells?
Ans. The horse shakes its harness bells, meaning to asked his master the poet whether they have stopped at the among place.
Q.28 Why can’t poet wait to enjoy the beauty of the woods?
Ans. The poet can’t wait to enjoy the beauty of the woods because he has other urgent business to attend to.
Q.29 How do we get Malaria?
Ans. We get malaria from a kind of mosquitoes which lives in stagnant water.
Q.30 How can we get rid of Malaria?
Ans. We can get rid of Malaria by not allowing any kind of stagnant water near the house. The last matter to getting rid of a mosquito is to spray kerosene oil or D.D.T to kill the mosquitoes before they are big enough to be harmful.
Q.31 What did he see in his room? What was the angel doing?
Ans. Abou Ben Adhem room was not lit but in the bright light of the moon and within his room he saw an angel writing in the book of gold.
Q.32 Mention any three points of Allama Iqbal’s Allahabad’s Address?
Ans. In 1930, Allama Iqbal presided over the Allahabad meeting of the All India Muslim League:
1. On this historic occasion, he made a definite demand for a separate Muslim state in South Asia.
2. India is a continent of human groups belonging to different races, speaking different languages and believing in different religions.
3. The principle of European democracy cannot be applied to Indian without recognizing the fact of different groups.
4. Punjab, north West Frontier Province, Sindh and Baluchistan be united urdu a single Muslim State.
Q.33 Why did Allama Iqbal want a separate state for the Muslims of India?
Ans. Allama Iqbal wanted a separate homeland for the Muslims of the sub-continent, for they were a separate nations, with their own culture, customers, literature and religion.
He wanted then to live in the state where they were free to follows the Islamic teachings and Quranic laws and would conduct their own foreign policy, plan their economic life, pressure and develop their own culture.

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